Deploy To Netlify
LaunchFast Starter Kits can be deployed to Netlify with 0-config setup. Following are the steps to ensure a hassle-free experience of deployment of LaunchFast to Netlify.
Terminal to Netlify Deployments
as netlify
.npm run build
and make sure to check if the terminal outputs @netlify
being used as the Astro adapter used to build..functions-internal
directory.netlify deploy --prod
file in the Environment Variables
section.netlify deploy --prod
and you are good to go.GitHub for Netlify Deployments
, and then click on create a new site
.Deploy from GitHub
, and then select your
command to be npm run build
directory to be .netlify/functions-internal
directory to be dist
file by clicking the button Add environment variable
below the publish
directory field. Make sure to have an Envrionment Variable named DEPLOYMENT_PLATFORM
set to netlify
, and in general use ...
as the value for the environment variables that are not being used but set them anyways to not encounter build time errors (ofcourse, that won’t run in production and this is just to test the system out). Rest, below are some of the values that can be used for just deploying and then iterating.# Deployment Platform Environment VariableDEPLOYMENT_PLATFORM="netlify"
# Emails
## "resend" or "nodemailer"EMAIL_PROVIDER="resend"
## Resend Environment VariablesRESEND_KEY="..."
## SMTP2GO Environment VariablesSMTP2GO_USERNAME="..."SMTP2GO_PASSWORD="..."
## When a user will sign up using credentials,## Visiting this URL will allow them to register them as verified in your db## An email is sent to the user with the following url appended with a randomly generated token query parameterEMAIL_VERIFICATION_ENDPOINT_URL=""EMAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_URL=""
# Database
## "pg" OR "redis" OR "mongodb" OR "sqlite" OR "firestore"DATABASE_TYPE="pg"
## Redis (/Upstash) Environment VariableREDIS_URL="redis://"
## Postgres (/Neon) Environment VariablePOSTGRES_URL="postgresql://"
## MongoDB Environment VariableMONGODB_URL="mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<prefix>"
## SQLite Environment VariableSQLITE_URL="libsql://"SQLITE_AUTH_TOKEN="..."
# Storage
## "s3" or "supabase" or "firebase"STORAGE_PROVIDER="firebase"
## AWS S3 (/Cloudflare R2)AWS_KEY_ID="..." # Set to Cloudflare's R2 Secret Key if using Cloudflare R2AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=".../...+" # Set to Cloudflare's R2 Secret Access Key if using Cloudflare R2AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME="...-bucket-0" # Set to Cloudflare's R2 Bucket Name if using Cloudflare R2AWS_REGION_NAME="eu-north-1" # Set to us-east-1 only if using Cloudflare R2CLOUDFLARE_R2_ACCOUNT_ID="..."
# Authentication
## Google OAuth 2.0 Environment VariablesGOOGLE_AUTH_ID=""GOOGLE_AUTH_SECRET="...-...-..."GOOGLE_AUTH_CALLBACK_URL="http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/google"
# Payments
## Stripe Environment VariablesSTRIPE_SECRET_KEY="sk_live_..."STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SIG="..."
# AI
## OpenAI Environment VariableOPENAI_API_KEY="sk-..."
# Social Media
## Telegram Bot Environment VariablesTELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN="..."
# Website
## Website URLSITE=""
## Admin Request Verification KeyPRIVATE_ACCESS_KEY="..." # generate using `openssl rand -base64 32`
## JWT Verification KeySECRET_KEY="..."
## Server Specific ConfigurationsNODE_VERSION="18"HOST=""PORT="3000"