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Sending Emails with SMTP2GO makes it easier for you to send emails with SMTP2GO with an API and SDK baked-in, ready to use.

Make sure to update the .env file or hosting provider’s environment variable to have the necessary variables for SMTP2GO:

Terminal window
# Obtain the SMTP2GO Username and Password

Following are the two methods with which you can send emails:

1. POSTing to the baked-in API

To send emails over an API, setup a PRIVATE_ACCESS_KEY environment variable, so that all the API calls do need to have that particular token as the x-access-key header, match to what’s stored in the server. It is to ensure that the person sending the email is an admin / allowed to.

A. POSTing to the emails API from a server-side API

Here’s how you’d make the request for each framework from the server-side:

import type { APIContext } from 'astro'
export async function GET({ request }: APIContext) {
// From a server-side API that is being fetched
await fetch(new URL('/api/email/smtp2go/trigger', new URL(event.request.url).origin).toString(), {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-access-key': env.PRIVATE_ACCESS_KEY,
body: JSON.stringify({
to: email,
subject: 'How?',
text: 'I love SMTP2GO.',
export async function POST({ request }: APIContext) {
// From a server-side API that is being POST-ed to
await fetch(new URL('/api/email/smtp2go/trigger', new URL(event.request.url).origin).toString(), {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-access-key': env.PRIVATE_ACCESS_KEY,
body: JSON.stringify({
to: email,
subject: 'How?',
text: 'I love SMTP2GO.',
B. POSTing to the emails API from client-side

Here’s how you’d make the request for each framework from the client-side:

fetch('/api/email/smtp2go/trigger', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-access-key': 'Insert that private access token safely?',
body: JSON.stringify({
to: email,
subject: 'How?',
text: 'I love SMTP2GO.',

2. Use Nodemailer SDK inside your server-side code

Here’s how you’d make the request for each framework from the server-side with SDK:

import nodemailer from 'nodemailer'
import type { APIContext } from 'astro'
export async function POST({ request }: APIContext) {
// From a server-side API that is being POST-ed to
// Send an email using nodemailer
const smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: '',
auth: {
user: import.meta.env.SMTP2GO_USERNAME,
pass: import.meta.env.SMTP2GO_PASSWORD,
port: 2525, // 8025, 587 and 25 can also be used.
await smtpTransport.sendMail({
text: context.text,
subject: context.subject,
from: context['verified_sender'] ?? '',
to: typeof === 'string' ? [] :,